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How to advance in agroecological practices
– Innovation Hub Bio Danubius Cluster Conference –

– October 13, 2023, 10:30 a.m –
-Murighiol, Tulcea-

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the Bio Danubius Cluster Innovation Center Day. The innovation center is selected in the „Agroecology-TRANSECT” project financed by the European Commission in the Horizon Europe program considering its concerns for the development of advanced agricultural practices in the wetlands of the Danube, especially the Danube Delta ( https: //www.agroecology ). At the same time, an important community of practice in the cluster in Tulcea and other regions of Romania is involved in another project  financed by the European Commission in the Horizon Europe program , respectively „OrganicTargets4EU”( aiming to achieve expected outcomes for the development of organic sector. The history of this cluster is the fruit of over 8 years of active cooperation between farmers, processors, traders, researchers, consultants, authorities, during which a community of sustained practice was formed which became a „living laboratory” in the field of ecological products.

During the event, which takes place in the context of the celebration of the national day of ecological agriculture, we will have the opportunity to discuss good practices in the field, to analyze the key factors in the way of achieving voluntary quality schemes for ecological farmers in the cereal field to begin with. The discussions will focus on aspects related to the development of the voluntary scheme, the financing of the activities, the development of the knowledge and innovation system and the development of the markets that the farms would like to support their decision-making process.

View the invitation and the agenda