Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority -Bio Danubius partner

With the declaration of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (1990) was established the institution for natural heritage management in the public domain of national interest of the Reserve, as well as for the restoration and protection of physical and geographical units on the territory of DDBRA - Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Administration (DDBRA ).

The administration of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve is a complex process and differs from the public administration exercised in the administrative units within the perimeter of the reservation with which it works. On the territory of the reservation there are lands belonging to the public domain of national interest, lands belonging to the public domain of county and local interest, as well as lands belonging to the private domain. These are included in the 8 administrative units of the reservation, 7 communes and one city (Sulina). 

At the level of local, commune and city administrative units, the authority of local councils which are elected bodies is exercised. They have the initiative in everything related to the administration of local public interests, exercising authority within the established administrative-territorial limits. The local councils have the attribution to administer the public and private domain of the commune or the city (the local domain). Among the attributions of the local councils closest to the purpose of ecological administration are those related to the approval and assurance of the programs of organization and urban development of localities, landscaping, respecting the local tradition, public works, creating the necessary conditions for the party. the free time of the locals, the development of scientific, cultural, artistic, sports and leisure activities as well as the action for the restoration and protection of the environment. 

The administration of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve is responsible for the administration of the lands in the public domain of national interest, having also the attributions of the environmental protection authority.